Poems by Eric le Fatte

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by Eric le Fatte

From Canary Spring 2023

Eric lives at the edge of a forested park half the size of the Hundred Acre Wood. It is near the confluence of the Tualatin and Willamette Rivers, and on clear days the peaks of the Southern Cascades send him their greetings

Nothing is broken
that can't be repaired.
Through the tuning of light
to the lean of the earth,
the fix is in.
Bulbs of perennials birth prisms;
buds on branches become
thousands of lenses.
Where to place the eye?
Turn the dial and hear
that nothing is broken.
The trees are singing,
the songs are building nests,
the nests are taking notes,
and the notes are flying.
If you were here
you could follow them skyward
and beyond,
where nothing is broken
that can't be repaired.

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